Thank you for stopping by the website for the Brewster Thrift Store! The Thrift Store supports First Parish Brewster Unitarian Universalist, located right across the street from the Thrift Store. Visit the First Parish Brewster website!
The Brewster Thrift Store got its start in approximately 1946. It was started by the Woman’s Alliance of the Unitarian Church and was located on the second floor of Donald Doane’s store. It was later moved to Dawes hall and mainly worked as a consignment store.
Today, the Brewster Thrift Store is a thriving hub of fun treasure sales that supports FPBUUs Social Justice Ministries.
And service is our prayer”, an FPBUU affirmation, and guided by our 2nd Principle “Justice, equity and compassion in human relations”, social justice has always been an essential part of the mission of this congregation.
SOCIAL JUSTICE COMMITTEE: This committee provides energy, support and connection to individuals engaged in justice work within and beyond our walls as a core component of our spiritual commitment. Meets on Zoom on the third Monday of the month at 6 pm.
BUILDING A BIGGER TABLE COMMITTEE: BBT is a humanitarian community that supports asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants. The committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm hybrid in Winslow or on Zoom.
FAITH FAMILY KITCHEN: Volunteers gather at the Faith Assembly of God Church in Hyannis on the fourth Friday of each month to package and distribute meals to local residents who are food insecure.
LGBTQ WELCOMING CONGREGATION COMMITTEE: FPB was the first UU church in the country to earn the designation of Welcoming Congregation from the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1990. Meets on Zoom on the second Monday of the month at 4:30 pm.
REPARATIONS TASK FORCE: This program developed out of growing concern about acknowledging and repairing the harm resulting from our congregation’s involvement in chattel slavery affecting both African and Native Indigenous peoples. The Task Force meets quarterly first Monday of Feb, May, August, November at 7 pm hybrid in Winslow or on Zoom.
SPLIT PLATE DONATIONS: Each week we give ½ of the offertory away to nonprofit organizations that align with our mission and vision, building connections and giving preference to those that are local to Cape Cod and the Islands. We also maintain the flexibility to support unanticipated needs as world events unfold.
ST. JOSEPH’S SHELTER MEALS: Volunteers provide dinners to the kitchen in Fellowship Hall on the third Saturday of the month which are delivered to St. Joseph’s Shelter in Hyannis.
UU Connections: This committee networks with regional, national, and international entities on behalf of our faith community including the UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association), Nauset Interfaith Association, Cape Cod Council of Churches, and the UU Service Committee.
UUSC EQUAL EXCHANGE PROJECT: This project supports small farming communities around the world through the sales of Equal Exchange Fair Trade products (coffee, tea, nuts, chocolate, olive oil) during Coffee Hour on Sundays. The proceeds of these sales support the work of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC).
UU THE VOTE: This program organizes get-out-the-vote efforts in advance of elections, and provides materials (blank letters and postcards, instructions, postage) for members of the congregation to inform and educate residents of target states about upcoming issues and elections.